Naval Sea System Command
Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) is the largest of the US Navy’s five systems command. NAVSEA’s primary objective is to engineer, build, and support the US Navy’s fleet of ships and its combat systems. NAVSEA accounts for one quarter of the Navy’s fiscal budget. NAVSEA needed Onyx to provide an unbiased, external review of the SAS architecture and methodology used by government SAS developers, and all custom code/scripts used in the normal course of NAVSEA business. The contract called for Onyx to deliver recommendations for improvement of the existing architecture, development process, and code execution.
- NAVSUP, a division of NAVSEA, required a complete review of their internal SAS architecture, SAS code review, and overall methodology used by government personnel.
- SAS application within the Navy data platform required a comprehensive review for inefficiencies.
- Meeting with Navy SAS users, developers, NAVSUP leadership, and power analysts to gain insight and identify issues related to the configuration of NAVSUP’s SAS environment from top to bottom.
- Identifying key deficiencies tied to the organizational and architectural setup of NAVSUP SAS environment that supports over 2000 analysts.
- Provided an in-depth review of the current environment and landscape architecture.
- Presented step-by-step implementable solutions to re-organize the community distribution, resolve authentication issues, and rework the Development and Production Landscape.
- Delivered a roadmap to re-structure the current environment to handle future upgrades to the platform and eventually migration to a cloud-based infrastructure.